Grant writing and tender services – All you need to access funding for your dream projects, how to manage them and prove their success.
30 years ago, Pat Grosse had an idea for a workshop to get funding out of the European Union for UK public, voluntary and education sector organisations. Since then she has been involved in all aspects of funding on both sides of the funding fence in the UK and Australia.
Today we offer you a full suite of grant writing and tender services.
Whether you’re wanting to fund a project idea, bring a new product to market or to build an extension, The Community Entrepreneur will get you on track by identifying possible grant opportunities and helping you to apply for them. We can also assist you through the competitive process of tender writing to win that special contract.
Here’s what we can do to support you in your business or community:
Our Grant Writing Services include
(Select service for more information)
- For workshops ranging from one hour to full day programs, contact us with your requirements and we’ll plan and deliver to them
- From time to time we organise and record webinars around grant writing and managing projects. Interested? Email us your details and we’ll keep you informed.
- Lunch n Learn – got a group interested in grants? Contact us to organise a Lunch n Learn package – email us at support@thecommunityentrepreneur.com or book a conversation at your convenience Contact us for grants
Are you entrepreneurial with plans for your community or organisation over the next two years? We have secured millions of dollars over the years for clients, and on the way watched at least one million-dollar program grow from the seed of an idea, worked with organisations to attract a million dollars from a small base in just 18 months and seen clients get awards for their programs (including first timers).
Let’s have a conversation to see whether we are a right match for your needs?
NEW – Retainer service now available.
Get That Grant is a six module self-paced training program if you are looking for a comprehensive grants training program that you can follow in their own time. It leads you through the full process of grant writing including what gets funded and where to look, unpacking the application process, how to find out what the funder is looking for and putting the application together so it gets noticed for the right reasons, The program is supported by templates and checklists that can be used for crafting all the grants you apply for in the future.
To find out more and how to purchase the program, go to GetThatGrant.com
Take your expertise to the next level with our Grant Writing Coaching and Mentoring Program – gain the confidence and support to aim higher. This is a six month program which takes the Get that Grant program, and packages it with project management and evaluation (impact measurement) training, monthly mentoring sessions AND support for your live grant applications.
Download the Grant Writing Coaching School flyer and make an appointment today
From time to time we get asked to provide advice to people wanting to put together their own grant application. We have a service through Zoom (recorded) or via phone for people looking for direction. Contact us at support@thecommunityentrepreneur.com with your request and we’ll get back to you.
Project management is a skill set that adds value to the grant application. Good project planning means that the proposed program is more likely to be delivered on time, on budget and as promised. Good project planning also means that all project staff and partners are on the same page and committed, that your communication channels will work properly and that you’ve considered the risks.
Project Management in a Box is a manual and training program complete with templates and checklists including recommendations for Terms of Reference, MOUs, communication strategies, work/task breakdown and budget planning.
For information on how to purchase, click on the image or contact us.
A successful grant application clearly demonstrates how you will know you have achieved the outcomes the funder is looking for. A good project evaluation plan also considers your specific outcomes and what you will do with them. How do you measure the impacts of change? All change is measurable when planned from the start. After spending three years training community groups/partnerships skills in measuring impacts across Victoria for a government program, we incorporate evaluation into our grant writing coaching program, into our clients’ grant submissions and are also available for training and mentoring. Contact us to get started.
Thinking of selling products and services to government and need help with tender writing? We can help with that. Book an Appointment
Packed with learning resources, guides, templates, checklists and detailed examples of the grant writing process, It’s an ideal starting point for beginners serious enough to want more than a half day workshop, and those who’ve tried with no success (yes there is a formula). These resources are an accumulation of more than 30 years of Pat’s experience, wins and downfalls, learnings and successes from working on both sides of the funding fence, in Australia and in the UK.
It’s also for people who’ve had success with small grants and looking to compete in the larger grants space where planning tools rule. Ultimately we are aiming to build a grant-writing community.
Call us or make an appointment to talk about how we can help you with your grant writing journey. Not sure? You’re welcome to read the articles and watch the videos to help you make up your mind that we’re what you’re looking for.
For more inforormation, go to www.getthatgrant.com

Grant Writing Articles
10 Things you should know about grants - webinar replay
10 things you should know about grants
Have you thought about applying for a grant, or have you applied and not been successful?
This webinar is for you if you are interested in grants but you’re not sure what they’re about, or if you’ve applied for a grant, not been successful and not sure why.
In 10 Things you should know about grants we will cover some common mistakes made when applying for grants, mistakes that could be avoided with knowledge aforethought. If you follow these 10 principles when applying for a grant, you will increase your chances of getting funded. These principles are based on over 30 years’ work in the grants field, including working on both sides of the funding fence. Since COVID struck, more businesses and community groups have turned to grants, many making the same mistakes that could have been avoided with the knowledge we will present.
Free Resources
Five reasons to evaluate your project
- Are running or planning to run a community project
- Want to know how well your project is travelling to achieve your expected outcomes
- Have ever been involved in a project and at the end you weren’t sure what to do next
- Want to know the basics of project evaluation
(the project journey rarely travels in a straight line to the destination – the fun part is figuring out why)
10 things you should know about grants
In 10 Things you should know about grants we will cover some common mistakes made when applying for grants, mistakes that could be avoided with knowledge aforethought. If you follow these 10 principles when applying for a grant, you will increase your chances of getting funded. These principles are based on over 30 years’ work in the grants field, including working on both sides of the funding fence
Putting together a business case for a grant
Before you begin, put together a business case for why you need a grant and the implications for your organisation.
What will be the implications for resources and will you be able to meet contractual requirements?